Saturday 28 July 2012

More spuds planted

I dug up the remaining spuds from the old strawberry bed, then planted 2 more rows of spuds in addition to the row I planted on 23 July. The spuds I planted were again baby new potatoes from the supermarket, showing no signs of sprouting.

I put some netting over the top of the plastic mesh, to stop the sparrows using the bed for their dust baths.

Monday 23 July 2012

Pelargonium update

Flowers are opening on one of the pelargoniums, they're forming on the others.

Houttuynia Cordata update

One pot of Houttuynia is still more advanced than the other - it's now flowering. Hope the other one will flower eventually.

More spuds planted

Today I planted a row of spuds in the space where I dug up the first of the April spuds a few days ago. The spuds I planted were ones I bought from the supermarket (just identified as baby new potatoes), and despite having left them around for a week or two, there is no sign of sprouting.

These were the spuds that I have had for a couple of weeks.
I also planted a couple more straight from a bag I bought at
the supermarket today.

Summer has arrived

Summer has arrived today after what seems like months of cool, wet and windy weather. The forecast is good for the next few days.

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Tomato and Courgette updates

I have been harvesting courgettes for a couple of weeks. Tomatoes are starting to form on some of the plants.

Sunday 15 July 2012

First spuds of season harvested

I harvested one of the rows of spuds from the old strawberry bed, which I sowed on 07 April. A couple of the plants on this row had been battered and killed by the heavy rain and wind, and those provided only tiny spuds.