Thursday 26 June 2014

Broad Bean update

Courgette update

Have already harvested some baby courgettes.

Spinach update

Tomato update

Bergenia update

Very slow growing - I potted up the seedlings today. Put the pots in water as I used very dry compost.

Heuchera seed collected

I cut off the fading flowers (which have tiny white specks on them that I assume are the seeds) and put them in a paper bag.

Wednesday 25 June 2014

Rock Rose update

Potted on some of the Rock Roses.

Saxifraga Triumph seed sown

I sowed some of the seed I collected earlier this year.


Friday 6 June 2014

Pansy cuttings taken

I took some pansy cuttings, putting them in a plastic bag this time so hopefully they won't fail like the last cuttings I took.

btw, these are pansies, the courgette label is just to support the plastic bag!

Tuesday 3 June 2014

Monday 2 June 2014

Pansy update,and Armeria seed sown

The pansies I sowed on 20 March are developing flowers. I sowed some more seed in case the existing plants get a bit too big by the autumn.

I also sowed some armeria seed after soaking them overnight.