Tuesday, 26 November 2019

Tuesday, 22 October 2019

Daffodils planted

I had 3 containers of daffodil bulbs that were not flowering. I emptied the containers and planted the bulbs in the wisteria bed. They may not flower next spring but hopefully they may revive in future years. They are a mix of ordinary and Winston Churchill.

Sunday, 13 October 2019

Sempervivums put under cover

Hopefully this will stop them getting too wet over the next few months.

Front garden mulched

About a week ago I weeded then mulched the front bed. The mulch required about 5 bags of compost.

Prior to mulching I planted some iris reticulata that were in a container and didn't flower very well last spring - I hope they might do better planted in the ground.

Thursday, 3 October 2019


Spuds batch 2 harvested

More weeds than spuds by this stage

Harvested today...

Put in crate...

Remaining spuds from batch 1 put on top...

Saturday, 27 July 2019

First tomatoes picked

Marmande and alicante.

Wednesday, 24 July 2019

Spuds batch 2 update

All the spuds I planted are growing.

Wednesday, 10 July 2019

Spuds batch 2 planted

I hope these are first early!

I planted 4 rows of 3 spuds in each bed.

While digging over I found some more spuds from batch 1.

Tuesday, 9 July 2019

Monday, 17 June 2019

Mystery euphorbia update

Extraordinary flowers-growing-from-flowers form of this plant. Are they seed pods?

Euonymus cuttings taken and wallflower seed sown

I did both of these jobs a couple of days ago. I covered the wallflower seed with more compost than usual (the packet suggested 1.5cm).

Armeria repotted

Back garden update

Friday, 14 June 2019

Pinks divided

Had a sudden thought that it would be nice to plant some pinks in front garden, as mine are just starting to flower when the rest of the front garden plants are looking a bit tired. I had a largeish container of pinks so decided to replant them, but when I emptied the container I found it was one large plant rather than several smaller ones. I went ahead and divided the plant as best I could, but then became concerned they would die and that wouldn't look good in the front garden. I have therefore planted them at the back and hope they survive. If they do I can plant them in the front next year.

Euonymus planted in front garden

4 euonymus planted out.

Thursday, 13 June 2019

Thursday, 30 May 2019

Back garden

Thursday, 16 May 2019

Tomatoes planted out

The tomato plants look a bit iffy this year - they seemed to grow very quickly and I think they outgrew their pots. I hope they'll improve now they're out in the garden. I dug deep holes with a spade, put in some horse manure compost, then put the plants in the holes and added more HMC.

Wednesday, 15 May 2019

Tuesday, 7 May 2019

Mystery Euphorbia

I found this euphorbia-looking plant growing in the garden last autumn. The single-stem nature of the plant isn't great, but the colour of the stem at the top is lovely, and the 'flowers' are interesting and unusual.

Monday, 29 April 2019


7 buds this year. EDIT - actually there are 8 - there's one round the other side that can't be seen from this angle.

Wednesday, 10 April 2019

Spuds Planted

I prepared the ground by digging in some home made compost. I took off some of the sprouty bits leaving one spout on each potato, and put some compost in each hole before planting. Planted 4 rows of 3 in the greenhouse bed and the wisteria bed. Watered them in afterwards. Put some netting around the beds to try to keep the foxes off.