Monday, 17 June 2019

Mystery euphorbia update

Extraordinary flowers-growing-from-flowers form of this plant. Are they seed pods?

Euonymus cuttings taken and wallflower seed sown

I did both of these jobs a couple of days ago. I covered the wallflower seed with more compost than usual (the packet suggested 1.5cm).

Armeria repotted

Back garden update

Friday, 14 June 2019

Pinks divided

Had a sudden thought that it would be nice to plant some pinks in front garden, as mine are just starting to flower when the rest of the front garden plants are looking a bit tired. I had a largeish container of pinks so decided to replant them, but when I emptied the container I found it was one large plant rather than several smaller ones. I went ahead and divided the plant as best I could, but then became concerned they would die and that wouldn't look good in the front garden. I have therefore planted them at the back and hope they survive. If they do I can plant them in the front next year.

Euonymus planted in front garden

4 euonymus planted out.

Thursday, 13 June 2019