Monday 12 October 2009

Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon

Saw a strange thing in the sky today. It was about 12:30pm, and the sky was clear apart from a couple of wispy clouds. I looked up at a plane and a little way over noticed something glinting in the sun. Whatever it was appeared to be at a high altitude so that I couldn't see any detail, just a bright point of light which I'm assuming resulted from the sun reflecting off a surface of the object. The light wasn't constant or regular, the impression I had was of an object tumbling across the sky, catching the sunlight intermittently as it went. I watched it for about 5 minutes as it slowly moved along. Then I went to get my camera, although the object appeared so small that I don't think it would register on a photo, but when I got back more cloud had appeared and I had lost the UAP.