Thursday 19 November 2009

Primrose genetics

Some of the primroses that I grew from seed this year are now flowering. The seeds were collected from plants with red/yellow flowers, and all the flowers on the new generation are purple/yellow as shown below...

My experience with primrose propagation is that seed from plants with yellow flowers...

grow into plants that have red/yellow flowers...

and, as discussed above, seeds from red/yellow plants give rise to purple/yellow-flowered plants. I didn't know that I would get purple/yellow flowers, I'm a little disappointed that I did because purple doesn't show up very well on gloomy days.

Anyway, next year I'll try sowing seed from the purple flowers.

BTW, because the foxes knocked over the pot in which I was growing seed from a blue-flowered primrose, I think I only have two plants from blue seed. Neither of them have flowered yet, so I'm eagerly awaiting to learn what colour they'll be.