Wednesday 9 February 2011

The sun has been out for the past couple of days, so it's been a good time to look round the garden to see what has survived so far this winter. December was apparently the coldest on record, and we have had two periods of lying snow (so far!).

The marigolds I planted in the front garden in the autumn didn't survive. Two honesty plants have survived, but I think I planted more (not sure).

The strawberries seem ok.

These primroses (or are they polyanthus?) are doing well.

The few spare plants I left on the patio seem ok. The two white polyanthus are plants I bought last week. I'm hoping to collect seed from them, then split them in the autumn.

Some of the marigolds in the back garden didn't make it, and the remainder are looking a bit sorry for themselves.

Everything in this bed has survived, although some of the primrose/polyanthus are a bit bedraggled.

The green manure seed never came up. I think I planted it too late. Order it earlier this year...

Daffodils looking good so far.

Although I make my own compost, I don't produce enough to keep the garden going all year. The company I order the commercial compost from has increased their minimum order limit, so I had to buy 9 bags. I reckon I use 6 bags a year, but what I don't use I can save until next year.